글로벌유학컨설팅, 마이유학
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파트너 기관

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    영국 영어교육협회, English UK

  • userLang20131126022400059
  • userLang20131128235055065
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    More than 600,000 students every year choose to learn English in the UK, an estimated 35% of all students who travel abroad to study English. What attracts them is the UK's reputation for excellent English language teaching, the worldwide recognition of British qualifications, and the opportunity to experience British culture alongside their language learning. English UK is the national association of accredited English language centres. Formed in 2004 from two previous associations (the Association of Recognised English Language Services and the British Association of State English Language Teaching), we have around 450 member centres in private schools, educational trusts and charities, further education colleges and universities. All our members are accredited under the Accreditation UK scheme, which we manage in partnership with the British Council. We are the world's leading language teaching association. Since 2004 we have worked tirelessly to establish ourselves as the voice of the UK English language teaching sector and now work with a wide range of partners and stakeholders worldwide to represent the interests of the English language profession. Our activities are diverse. In any one week we may be lobbying in support of international student mobility, running a training event on employment law, and attending a student recruitment exhibition in Brazil. As a UK registered charity, our work is governed by the key aim of advancing the education of international students ...

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    영국영어교육협회English UK어학연수유학Gcentre.netG센터지센터
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