글로벌유학컨설팅, 마이유학
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말레이시아(말레이어: Malaysia), 음차하여 마래서아(馬來西亞) 또는 말련(-) 동남아시아 있는 연방제 입헌 군주국이다. 말레이시아는 13개의 주와 3개의 연방 직할구 구성되어 있고, 남중국해 나뉜 말레이 반도 지역과 보르네오  지역으로 구성되어 있다. 타이, 인도네시아, 브루나이 국경을 맞대고 있고, 해상국경은 싱가포르 베트남, 필리핀 맞대고 있다. 수도는 쿠알라룸푸르이지만, 연방정부는 푸트라자야 .

[Erican Legacy]

Erican has been a premier brand in language education and training for 2 decades now, with centres spread throughout all of Peninsular Malaysia. We provide second-to-none learning strategies and systems unique to Erican to all learners of the English language who aspire to achieve a decent level of proficiency within the shortest possible timeframe, whilst earning internationally-recognized certifications along the way.


All Erican customers are given quality English education training of an international-standard at an affordable and competitive rate. Erican's twenty years in the business and knowledge of efficient business practices allow us to offer quality for a price that will fit most customers' needs.


[Why Erican?]

Language learning can be a real chore and a very daunting one at that. At Erican, we remove the stress and pressure of language learning by making sure our classes are run naturally, interactively and in the liveliest manner.

The core concept of this education process is something Erican likes to refer to as 'participative learning'. It is this concept that is used to keep the classroom lively and interactive, allowing the students to make their own impact on their learning and environment. At the same time, Erican strives to ensure the courses are always kept consistent with the current times.

Erican teachers are all carefully selected and trained, based on both skill and attitude. A Erican teacher must have not only a strong level of English ability but a pleasant positive attitude which is both relaxed and light-hearted, but also sensitive to individual students' needs.

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For your admission and consulting 

enrol@Gcentre.net | Kakao talk & Line ID : Gcentre

일반전화 : 070 7010 3153

카톡 ID : Gcentre 

Admission : enrol@Gcentre.net

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