글로벌유학컨설팅, 마이유학
  • 로그인 / 회원가입


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과테말라는 마야문명의 유적이 많은 곳으로써 대성당과 같은 근대적 빌딩과 전통적 건축물을 다양하게 볼 수 있다. 중앙공원(Parque Central)은 시 중심에 위치한 시민의 휴식처로 주위에는 북쪽에 정부청사와 공원서쪽에는 성당 등 주요한 건물들이 늘어서 있다. 정부청사는 1939∼1943년에 걸쳐 세운 조각이 정교한 중요건물이며, 메트로폴리탄 성당은 1809년에 완성된 흰색건물이다. 이 주변은 최대의 번화가로 상점가, 영화관 등이 모여 있다. 아틀란호(Lago Atitlan)는 과테말라시티에서 서쪽으로 약 150㎞에 위치, 해발 1,562m에 있는 세계 최고의 아름다움을 자랑하는 칼데라 호수이다. 호수 주변에는 산페드로 산(Volcan San Pedro, 3,020m), 톨리산(Volcan Toliman, 3,158m), 아티틀란산(Volcan Atitlan, 3,535m)이 펼쳐져 있어 장관을 이룬다. 또 아티틀란 호반에는 인디오 촌락이 있다. 치치카스테낭고(Chichicastenango, 일명 인디오 마을)는 과테말라에서 두 번째로 큰 종족인 마야 키체 족의 마을이다. 해발 1600m의 고산지대에 위치해 있고, 교통상 오지에 속해 아직도 많은 전통을 고스란히 유지하고 있다. 치치카스테낭고란 "가시가 있는 치치나무가 자라는 땅"이란 뜻의 인디오 말로 그냥 "치치(chichi)"라고도 한다. 이 작은 마을에 일주일에 두 번 목요일과 일요일, 장이 열리면 인근 인디오들이 모여 일용품에서부터 민예품을 매매하는 장이 열린다. 장이 열리기 하루 전날부터 시골 구석구석에서 사람들이 모여든다. 과테말라다운 생활·문화·전통 등을 접할 수 있는 곳이다.  출처, 위키피디아

막시모 니벨은 페루, 과테말라, 코스타 리카에 센터를 두고 있는 스페인 어학원입니다. 대학생의 경우 막시모 니벨과 제휴된 Brookhaven College에서 학점을 인정 받을 수 있고 과테말라에 있는 센터는 Universidad Rural에서 학점을 인정 받을 수 있으며 자신이 다니고 있는 대학에서 학점 인정을 받고 싶다면 어학원에서 필요한 모든 서류를 준비해 드립니다. 

대학부설과 사설 모두 장단점이 있지만 학기제로 이루어지고 특정일자를 맞추어야 하는 대학부설과 달리 막시모 니벨은 주요 영어권 어학연수 국가들 처럼 매주 월요일 시작할 수 있고 또 사립의 특징 답게 학생이 더 열심히 공부 할 수 있도록 세심한 케어를 해 주는 면이 있습니다. 

코스타리카, 과테말라, 페루를 연계한 스페인어 어학연수를 생각해 보는 것도 좋은 방법이겠네요.


Guatemala is warm, friendly and welcoming.  It’s one of the most historically significant countries in Central America, and it’s one of the top 25 ecological diverse countries of the world. 


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About Máximo Nivel

Máximo Nivel was founded in Cusco, Peru in 2003, after which we opened our Costa Rica office in 2006, and our Guatemala office in 2009. 

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Today, Máximo Nivel offers its TEFL/TESOL Certification, Native Spanish Program, International Volunteer Program, and Native English Program in all three countries — Peru, Costa Rica, and Guatemala.

Máximo Nivel's programs are internationally accredited by the Ministries of Education in Peru and Guatemala.  We are closely associated with Brookhaven College in the United States, Universidad Juan Pablo II in Costa Rica, and Universidad Rural in Guatemala. Because of our accreditations and educational partners, university credit is available for many of our programs.

Máximo Nivel is also an institutional member of The College of Teachers in the United Kingdom.

Máximo Nivel's success is based on our commitment to quality and the highest level of client service possible. We continuously invest in professional staff and first-class facilities to ensure your overall experience with us is nothing short of excellent.

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Our Mission

Every day Máximo Nivel strives to exceed the expectations of our clients and program participants, and to deliver the best language, education, and cultural and adventure programs in Latin America. We are dedicated to helping our clients and learners achieve their goals of international learning, intercultural exchange, and global careers and business.


Our offices have been designed with the needs of our clients and staff in mind. Every location provides modern computers running Windows and MS-Office; high-speed Internet connections including office-wide WiFi access is also available 7 days a week. 

  • Client Service

    Máximo Nivel offers you a wide range of services to help make sure your program is both comfortable and enjoyable.

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Our Team

Founded in 2003, Máximo Nivel is a leading organization in the Americas offering language, education, and adventure and cultural programs. We are an international company with affiliate offices in Costa Rica, Guatemala, Peru and the United States, and a worldwide network of partners. 

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As an internationally accredited institute, Máximo Nivel must adhere to strict codes of practice and maintain the highest professional standards.

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The Family House – Bed, Breakfast & Dinner  (Peru only)

The Family House offers accommodations similar to a traditional family-stay, but with more independence and privacy. Both private and shared rooms are available as are private and shared bathrooms. Your stay includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner Monday through Sunday. There’s lots of opportunity to practice your Spanish with Mauricio, Ruth, Lidia and the rest of our staff.  The Family House is within walking distance (20-25 minutes) from the Máximo Nivel offices.


Family-stays are all with pre-approved families and include breakfast, lunch, and dinner Monday through Sunday. Family-stays include a shared room with a shared bath.  Private rooms and bathrooms are available for an additional charge, but availability is limited.  Guests are free to come and go as they please, but they must respect the routine and rules of the family. All family-stays are within walking distance (10-25 minutes) or within a 5-minute taxi/bus ride from the Máximo Nivel office.


Máximo Nivel works with three different hostels, and you may elect this option if you want to save money while still remaining 100% independent. All hostels are clean and safe with excellent service and amenities including TV rooms and 24-hour kitchens. Hostel accommodations include private rooms with private bath, and all hostels are walking distance (5-15 minutes) from the Máximo Nivel office.

Private or Shared Apartment

Private apartments are all very comfortable and fully furnished. Apartments come with equipped kitchens including all plates and utensils required to live comfortably and cook for yourself. Apartments are centrally located and are within easy walking distance or a short taxi/bus ride to the Máximo Nivel office. Shared apartments are also available on a limited basis; please inquire when registering.

Hotel (3-Star)

Máximo Nivel works with two 3-star hotels, both of which are modern and comfortable with all the necessary amenities plus breakfast is included. All hotel rooms are private with a private bath. If you desire more luxurious accommodations please request the hotel option when you register and we will email you with a separate price.

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Intensive Spanish Immersion

It doesn't matter if you're a 20-something traveler, professional, senior citizen, or even if you're traveling with your whole family, you will always find people your age at Máximo Nivel.

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Our Native Spanish Program appeals to adventure seekers, working professionals, and entire families because we offer the most intensive and professional Spanish programs available. Whether you want to boost your standing at university, add to your career skills, or put your world travels on the fast track, we have a Spanish course and a certified, native, Spanish teacher for you.

Máximo Nivel's language centers also function as social centers with free snack bar and Internet, office-wide WiFi, salsa lessons, movie night, and our monthly open-bar International Party. We also have a free Tandem Conversation Program offering free conversation practice to supplement your regular classes.

University credit is available for Máximo Nivel's Spanish language programs. There are three ways to receive university credit:

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For your admission and consulting 

enrol@Gcentre.net | Kakao talk & Line ID : Gcentre