글로벌유학컨설팅, 마이유학
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  University of Sydney



시드니 대학교(The University of Sydney) 1850년에 설립되어오스트레일리아 시드니에 위치한 오스트레일리아에서 가장 오래되고 규모가 큰 공립대학이다. 오스트레일리아 내 8 대학 모임에 소속되어 있다. 2013년 기준으로 학부에 33,219명의 학생이 재학 중이고, 대학원에 18,175명의 학생이 재학중이다


시드니대학교는 여러 개의 캠퍼스를 갖고 있으며, 계속 확장을 거듭하고 있다. 이외에도, 최근까지 시드니 현대 미술관도 운영하고 있다

1. 캠퍼다운/달링톤 본교

2. 로젤 아트/디자인

3. 말렛 가

4. 컴퍼랜드

5. 시드니 로스쿨.




About University of Sydney

Founded in 1850, The University of Sydney is Australia’s oldest university, enrolling about 46,000 students. The central campus is located on the edge of Sydney’s business district in Camperdown. Its magnificent neo-Gothic quadrangle is considered a national treasure, and the Fisher Library is the largest university library in the country, with close to five million volumes. The university also houses a number of museums, including the Macleay Natural History Museum, the Nicholson Archaeological Museum, and the Power Gallery of Contemporary Art, which contribute significantly to its research and teaching. While the university offers courses in virtually any subject, you can find especially strong offerings in Japanese, Indonesian, and Malaysian studies.




Entry Requirements

Undergraduate Entry Requirements for International Students

To apply for an undergraduate course at the University of Sydney, you need to meet certain requirements – these are known as the minimum eligibility criteria. The following pages describe the requirements in detail, but basically you need to:

-  have an acceptable senior secondary qualification from your high school (or completed at least one full-time year in a bachelor degree or equivalent qualification at a recognised tertiary institution)

-  have achieved certain grades in your senior secondary studies or accepted tertiary studies

-  meet the English language requirements

-  meet any special entry requirements such as health or security checks or submission of a portfolio – check the details for your specific degree using Find a course

-  have the Assumed Knowledge for your course. While there are no prerequisites for our courses, we do expect you to know or have studied subjects relevant to your course before you begin your course.

If you don’t have an acceptable senior secondary or tertiary qualification, there are some other options. You could enrol in the University of Sydney Foundation Program, and complete a course, equivalent to a final-year secondary qualification in Australia. Likewise, if you don’t meet the English language requirements, you could enrol in an English preparation course at the University’s Centre for English Teaching.



Popular Program List

-  Agriculture Sciences

-  Biology and Biochemistry

-  Clinical Medicine

-  Economics and Business

-  Environment/Ecology

-  Material Science

-  Microbiology

-  Neuroscience and Behavior

-  Pharmacology and Toxcology

-  Plant and Animal Science

-  Psychiatry/Psychology

-  Social Sciences and Public Health

-  Space Science











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