글로벌유학컨설팅, 마이유학
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The Royal Veterinary College




1791년도에 개교한 The Royal Veterinary College는 영국 London Hertfordshire에 위치하며 "Confront disease at its onset" 이라는 모토 아래, 학사(Undergraduate), Post graduate, PhD, CPD 프로그램을 제공하고 있다.

본 대학은 농경제학(Agriculture), Veterinary and Food Science 전공에 있어 영국 최고 대학에 랭크된 적이 있으며, 생물학 전공이 가장 유명하다

UCAS를 통해 지원할 수 있으며, International 학생의 경우 공인영어성적 (IELTS의 경우 최소 6.0 또는 6.5)을 만족해야 한다



[About The Royal Veterinary College]

The Royal Veterinary College is the largest and longest-established vet school in the English-speaking world and is a college of the University of London.

The College offers undergraduate, postgraduate and CPD programmes in veterinary medicine and veterinary nursing and is ranked in the top 10 universities nationally for biosciences.

RVC produces world-class research and provides support for the veterinary profession through its referral hospitals, including the Queen Mother Hospital for Animals, Europe's largest small animal hospital.

As one of the world's leading specialist veterinary and biological science research institutions, the RVC brings together talented individuals; all of whom share a passion for human and animal health and welfare.


[Entry Requirements]

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[Program list]


Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine

Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine Accelerated Programme

Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine with Intercalated Year

Veterinary Gateway Programme


Intercalation Options at the RVC

Intercalated BSc Bioveterinary Science

Intercalated BSc Comparative Pathology

BSc Biological Sciences

BSc Bioveterinary Sciences

BSc Biological Sciences or BSc Bioveterinary Sciences with a Certificate in Work-Based Learning and Research

Foundation Degree Veterinary Nursing

BSc Veterinary Nursing

Graduate Diploma Veterinary Nursing



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