글로벌유학컨설팅, 마이유학
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Waterford Institute of Technology




워터포드 공과대학교(Waterford Institute of Technology, WIT) 1970년에 개교한 아일랜드의 대표적인 공과대학교 하나이며 아일랜드 남동부쪽 워터포드 () 위치하고 있다. 학부, 대학원포함 10,000 넘는 학생들이 재학 중이다. Business, Engineering, Science, Health Sciences, Education, Humanitie 분야에서 다양한 전공을 2~5년의 프로그램 구성으로 제공하고 있다.

지원은 워터포드 온라인 웹사이트를 통하여 있으며(https://studentssp.wit.ie/Admissions/International/ApplicationForm.aspx) 국제학생의 경우에는 공인영어성적이 추가로 요구된다. 지원자격은 과목별로 상이하지만 영어성적의 경우에는 대부분 IELTS 기준 평균 5.5~6.0 이상을 요구한다.



About Waterford Institute of Technology

Waterford Institute of Technology is one of the largest institutes of technology in Ireland. It was established as a Regional Technical College in 1970, and was the first to be awarded Institute of Technology status in 1998. Over the period of this process, and as a result of an international quality review, the Institute was granted delegated authority by the National Council for Educational Awards to confer its own Certificates and Diplomas.


The Institute now confers its own awards at all levels from Higher Certificate to PhD, subject to standards set and monitored by the Higher Education and Training Awards Council (HETAC) which was established by the Government in June 2001, under the Qualifications (Education and Training) Act, 1999. The quality and standard of Irish educational awards is fully recognised globally. All Irish awards are included in the national framework of qualifications maintained by the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland, http://www.nqai.ie.


Waterford Institute of Technology has the highest number of students within the Institute of Technology sector, outside of Dublin, participating at ordinary degree level and above. The Institute also offers unique post doctoral programmes in a number of specialist areas.


Being the major provider of higher education in the South East region of Ireland, the Institute’s current full-time equivalent student cohort is in excess of 7,500 while part-time student enrolments exceed 2,500. The range of academic programmes is exceptionally extensive covering the Humanities, Health and Nursing, Science and Informatics, Engineering and Architecture, Business and Education.




Entry Requirements


You should be at least 17 years of age in January of the year of entry.


You must have a Secondary/High School Diploma, with good grades in English and Mathematics and at least 4 other subjects, on average + 60%.


Some courses have special entry requirements, which you should check under the course details.




English Language Requirements





Popular Program List

- Higher Certificate in Engineering in Electronic Engineering (2yrs)

- BEng (Hons) in Electronic Engineering (4yrs)

- BEng in Civil Engineering (3yrs)

- Bachelor of Architecture (Hons) (5yrs)












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