글로벌유학컨설팅, 마이유학
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Massey University




매시 대학교(Massey University, 마오리어: Te Kunenga Ki Purehuroa) 뉴질랜드 북섬 파머스톤 노스에 위치한 대학으로 뉴질랜드 최대의 학생 수가 있으며, 북섬 최대의 농업학교입니다. 파머스톤 노스 외웰링턴오클랜드에도 캠퍼스가 있습니다.

학생 수는 약 41,000명으로 해외 120여 개국에서 5000명 이상의 학생이 재학하고 있습니다. 뉴질랜드 최대의 대학이며, 뉴질랜드 국내외에 재학 중인 약 20,000명의 학생이 대학의 원격 교육을 받는 학생이 있습니다. 대학의 원격 교육 프로그램은 과거 35년간 25만명이 수료를 하였습니다. 지금은 대학원 석사 과정까지 150개 전공으로 3000과목 이상 강의를 인터넷으로 전송하여, 통신 기술을 활용하여 학생 교육을 지원하고 있습니다.

뉴질랜드 고등 교육 기관으로는 유일하게 항공학교를 보유하고 있습니다. 수의학과에서는 뉴질랜드의 수의사 자격 외에 호주, 미국, 캐나다, 영국 각국의 수의사 자격을 취득할 수 있으므로 수의학을 전공하는 학생들이 전 세계에서 모이고 있습니다.



About Massey University
We embrace diversity, talent and performance, and provide staff and students with an extensive range of opportunities to develop intellectually, professionally and personally.

Massey is known for:

-      Groundbreaking research

-      The applied nature of many of our teaching and research programmes

-      Contribution to land-based industries

-      Distinctive mix of campus-based, distance and international teaching

-      Commitment to innovation

-      Close links with the community

-      An 80-year tradition of academic excellence

New Zealand itself is truly beautiful. New Zealand is renowned for its natural resources, its breathtaking scenery, its peacefulness, and the friendliness and hospitality of its people.

The country is conveniently close to Asia, Australia and the South Pacific and has a reputation for being a safe and relaxing environment to live in.



Entry Requirements

Academic entrance requirements for undergraduate programmes

For most undergraduate level programmes, the minimum academic entry requirement is successful completion of a qualification equivalent to the New Zealand Year 13 - NCEA Level 3 University Entrance. International students need to check the equivalency of their secondary school qualification by reviewing the list of Academic Admission Requirements by Country. 

International students who have previously studied at a New Zealand secondary school should refer to the secondary school requirements section. 

International students who have completed 3 x B at level 5 or 6 passes in the New Zealand Diploma of Business may apply for entry into a Bachelor's programme.

An NZQA transcript as formal evidence of the NZDipBus results is required before credit will be assessed and only papers with a minimum grade of B will be assessed for credit.

The English language requirements can be met by: 

A minimum IELTS 5.5 (or equivalent) used to gain entry to the NZDipBus or,

A recent IELTS 6.0 with no band score less than 5.5

Graduate Diplomas
Admission to a Graduate Diploma requires successful completion of a three year diploma or undergraduate degree from a recognised tertiary institution.




Program Lists
Bachelor of Accountancy 
Bachelor of AgriCommerce 
Bachelor of AgriScience 
Bachelor of Applied Economics 
Bachelor of Arts 
Bachelor of Aviation 
Bachelor of Aviation Management 
Bachelor of Business Studies 
Bachelor of Commercial Music 
Bachelor of Communication 
Bachelor of Construction 
Bachelor of Creative Media Production 
Bachelor of Education 
Bachelor of Education (Adult Education) 
Bachelor of Education (Teaching) - Early Years (Birth to Eight) 
Bachelor of Education (Teaching) Primary / Diploma in Education Studies 
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours 
Bachelor of Food Technology with Honours 
Bachelor of Health Science 
Bachelor of Information Sciences 
Bachelor of M
āori Visual Arts 
Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science 
Bachelor of Natural Sciences 
Bachelor of Nursing 
Bachelor of Resource and Environmental Planning 
Bachelor of Retail and Business Management 
Bachelor of Science 
Bachelor of Social Work 
Bachelor of Speech and Language Therapy 
Bachelor of Sport and Exercise 
Bachelor of Veterinary Science 
Bachelor of Veterinary Technology 
Te Aho T
ātairangi: Bachelor of Teaching Māori Medium/Diploma in Māori Education 




