글로벌유학컨설팅, 마이유학
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Auckland University of Technology



오클랜드 공과대학교(영어: Auckland University of Technology, 마오리어: Te Wananga Aronui o Tamaki Makau Rau, 약칭 AUT) 뉴질랜드 북섬 오클랜드에 있는 대학이다. 같은 시내에 있는 오클랜드 대학과 다른 조직이다.


1895년에 개교하였다. 개교 당시 오클랜드 공업기술학교로 기술 지도를 중심으로 야간 부분에만 설치되었다. 1906년부터 주간부를 설치하고 30명으로 개교하였고, 당시 학생은 800명이 넘었다. 1913년에 세돈 기념 공과대학으로 교명을 변경한다. 1969년 오클랜드 공과전문 학교로 교명을 다시 변경하였다. 1989년에 폴리테크닉으로 오클랜드 공과전문학교(AIT)로 교명 변경하고, 학사 학위와 석사 학위를 수여하는 고등교육기관이 된다. 1995년 창립 100주년 기념식이 거행되었고, 학생수는 25,000명이 넘는다.

2000 1 1 대학자치권을 부여되어 오클랜드 공과대학교(AUT)로 거듭났다. AIT라고 역사에서 AUT로 교명을 변경한 후 AIT라는 다른 학교도 있다. 오클랜드 시내를 중심으로 2개의 캠퍼스와 1개의 연구 시설, 지역에 1개의 캠퍼스를 가지고 있다.




About Auckland University of Technology

Data and statistics about AUT's students and graduates, qualifications, and teaching and research facilities. Notes about our background and establishment as a university.

AUT University's background

We’re New Zealand’s newest university but our history in industry-relevant education is over 110 years old. We perform our teaching, research and other duties as defined under the Education Act (1989).

Established as a university

In 2000, the governor general, by order in council, established the Auckland University of Technology as 1 of the universities in New Zealand. AUT is the youngest of the 8 New Zealand universities and the only one to be established since the 1960s.

View a detailed timeline of AUT University's pedigree on our "AUT history" page

Public institution by legislation

AUT and the other 7 New Zealand universities are public institutions. We:

Are funded by government

Operate according to the provisions of the Education Act (1989)

Participate in shared quality assurance arrangements



Entry Requirement

1. International students at NZ secondary schools

If you are gaining University Entrance (UE) through a NZ secondary school qualification you must meet the UE literacy requirements

You can’t replace the literacy requirements with an English language test result

Some AUT qualifications have language requirements higher than UE literacy – for details refer to the AUT University Calendar

2. Students with school, college or university qualifications gained outside NZ

Applying on the basis of a non-NZ qualification? Use your official results for one of the following tests or qualifications to meet the English language requirements. Results can be up to 2 years old.

IELTS – Academic

Required English test for most health science degrees, teacher education qualifications and doctoral degrees

Preferred English test for all other AUT qualifications

If you gain UE through a NZ secondary school qualification, you can’t replace the UE literacy requirements with IELTS

See the minimum IELTS scores you need for AUT qualifications

Equivalences for other English language testing methods (i.e. TOEFL iBT®, Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE), Certificate in English for Academic Study (CertEAS) and GIE).

AUT English language programmes

Certificate in English for Academic Study (AUT's School of Language and Culture)

GIE (International House)

Qualifications taught and assessed in English

You can use the official results of an academic qualification completed in a country where English is the main language:

Must have been taught and assessed in English - evidence is required.

Must be at an appropriate level.




Program Lists

  Art & Design

  Business

  Colab: Creative Technologies

  Communication Studies

  Computer & Mathematical Sciences

  Education

  Engineering

  Health Sciences

  Hospitality, Tourism & Events

  Language & Culture

  Law

  Sciences

  Social Sciences & Public Policy

  Sport & Recreation

  Te Ara Poutama




